If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s this. Every single person on this planet is unique. I’m going to wager that you agree. Then why do we get stumped when we are asked to document what makes us unique as writers? It should be easy. After all, it’s us we’re talking about. I’ve… Continue reading What Makes You Unique?
Author: admin
When “Good Enough” Doesn’t Get You There
Let me start out by saying that I’m a reformed perfectionist. In all honesty, I’m not there yet, but I’m working on it. Although I do struggle with the concept, I’m beginning to realize that “good enough” gets you to the same endpoint. Putting in the extra effort it takes to gain perfection may (but… Continue reading When “Good Enough” Doesn’t Get You There
To Be Productive (and Happier), Be the Keeper of Your Own Self-Esteem
This morning I read a blog post about boosting your self-control. It got me thinking about the things in our lives we can control, even if it appears we can’t. There is a saying about writers: You’re only as good as your last article, novel, gig, whatever. It’s a cynical look at freelancing that hasn’t… Continue reading To Be Productive (and Happier), Be the Keeper of Your Own Self-Esteem
Be More Productive: Change It Up
If you work out at a gym or with a personnel trainer, you’ve probably been told to change your exercise routine regularly to optimize its effectiveness. When the body recognizes a pattern, it doesn’t have to work as hard; it knows when to do what. In short, it operates on autopilot. You don’t get the… Continue reading Be More Productive: Change It Up