If you work out at a gym or with a personnel trainer, you’ve probably been told to change your exercise routine regularly to optimize its effectiveness. When the body recognizes a pattern, it doesn’t have to work as hard; it knows when to do what. In short, it operates on autopilot. You don’t get the full benefit of the time your are spending.
Not what you want if you’re trying to get washboard abs or accomplish more during the workday.
Think about your business work routine. How do you structure your day? Does it begin with coffee, catching up on email, reading blogs and then move on to making calls, doing some research and conducting some interviews? Do you typically break for lunch at the same time each day and watch a TV show while you do it? Do you stay glued to the computer in your office all day?
An unvarying routine can cut into your productivity. You’re most productive when you’re fresh and your mind is stimulated. Assuming the routine above, change it up by catching up on the email and reading the blogs at noon and reserving the early hours for writing. Grab a bite to eat away from the office once a week. Or set aside whole days for nothing but writing.
Variety truly is the spice of life, and that goes for your work routine as well. Take mini-breaks throughout the day to refresh yourself. Break up a marathon writing project by spending a few minutes working a crossword puzzle, doing breathing exercises, practicing some yoga poses, taking a nap or playing with your pet.
Try these suggestions, or better yet, come up with variations of your own. You’ll be more productive and feel more fulfilled!